Report: Flexibility or Flight: Hybrid Strategies to Attract and Retain Talent

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Read the Report: Flexibility or Flight: Hybrid Strategies to Attract and Retain Talent here:

The plans organizations developed (and redeveloped) for a return to the office have required continuous adjustment. With workers becoming increasingly comfortable working from anywhere and rearranging their lives more permanently, the risk of post-pandemic talent loss is very real for organizations if the wrong decisions are made.

i4cp’s latest global study provides findings and analysis on hybrid work, flexibility, and the strategies that will make organizations talent magnets—or talent wastelands.

Our analysis found:

  1. High-performance hybrid requires flexibility—not rigidity
  2. On-site workers need flexibility too
  3. Success with truly flexible work requires planning and targeted effort.
  4. “Because the CEO said so” is not a sound reason to return to the office

For more information on flexible and hybrid work see the Flexibility or Flight series.
Check out the Getting Hybrid Work Right series for additional resources.