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Strategy Execution Brief

How can the C-suite, or any leader, know if their organization is ready to execute their strategy? i4cp's research-based framework, the People-Productivity Chain™, is a simple and effective way to connect the dots between the organization's strategy, the market, and the intangible leading indicators of success: culture, leadership, and talent.

What is this Brief?

  • This executive brief is the first tool in i4cp's Strategy Execution Toolkit.
  • It's a one-page PDF, written for an executive audience.
  • Use it to introduce the framework for discussing strategic changes.
  • For example, a CHRO might say to a CEO, "I'd like to propose a framework for discussing XYZ at the upcoming executive team meeting. I'll send you a 1-pager, then let's talk."

Download the brief above, preview it below.