Executive Role Transition Toolkit Hero

Executive Transition Toolkit

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Why Use This Toolkit?
  • Accelerate a new leader's impact and cultural integration.
  • Help the executive prioritize and collaborate effectively.
  • Help the executive avoid the common pitfalls uncovered by research.
What’s Included Who’s Involved
Role Success Profile (Excel template)

Define what success looks like in the role with this comprehensive tool:

  • Clarifies critical skills, processes, and stakeholder relationships essential for the role.
  • Distinguishes the role itself from the prior incumbent’s unique contributions.
  • Aligns expectations across stakeholders and identifies quick wins to focus on.


  • HRBP and/or executive recruiter: Typically accountable for facilitating the process and drafting the profile.
  • Hiring manager: The first person HR leader will interview.
  • Incumbent (if successful in role and available): Will be interviewed.
  • Key stakeholders: Those whose success hinges upon KPIs being met in this role.
  • Incumbent's team members: Direct reports, key talent (depending on size of the organization).
Executive Transition Playbook (Excel template)

An editable workbook with a practical, step-by-step guide for the first six months:

  • Helps build networks, align teams, and navigate organizational culture.
  • Provides clear timelines and accountability for HRBPs, EAs, and leaders.
  • Focuses on avoiding common pitfalls while delivering quick wins.
  • HR Business Partner: Works with the hiring manager and EA prior to the new exec's arrival, guiding the new exec through their transition.
  • Executive Assistant: Manages logistical details, schedules meetings, and tracks follow-ups.
  • Executive New in Role: Makes the playbook work for them.
Articles & Webinars

A collection of the supporting research behind the advice in the playbook.

  • HR Business Partner or Executive Assistant: May elect to print or share some of these resources with the new executive during the course of their first several months.
What Global HR Executives Are Saying:
  • "I’ll use this immediately…whether it’s current execs or new, giving them something like this is really helpful for their readiness [and]…making sure you have stakeholder buy-in. This is higher-level understanding of contexts, before you go to all the effort of building detailed plans."
  • "Any leader struggles with how to manage their time; this provides clarity and direction."

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