SURVEY RESULTS | COVID-19 Response: Return to the Workplace

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Even as organizations continue to deal with the unpredictable COVID-19 coronavirus situation that seemingly has no end in sight, their leaders are looking ahead and preparing to return to work. We conducted a pulse survey of HR executives on to gauge their preparedness and strategy for the eventual return to work, we surveyed HR decision makers to understand: 

  1. Does your organization have a dedicated team or task force charged with its ‘return to the workplace’ strategy? 
  2. Who or which function comprise(s) your organization’s COVID-19 ‘return to the workplace’ team / task force? 
  3. Approximately what percent of your organization’s senior leadership team’s collective energy is now focused on ‘return to workplace’ strategies / efforts?
  4. What groups are you making special consideration for in your return-to-workplace planning?
  5. What types of return-to-workplace options are you considering for workers with childcare / eldercare responsibilities?
  6. What workplace safety policy or protocol changes do you anticipate your organization will implement to support its ‘return to the workplace’ efforts?