Employee Well-Being Exchange
About this Community Group
Almost every leader knows this simple truth: providing for the health and well-being of employees is an expensive undertaking. And while the cost continues to increase, done right it can be one of the best investments a company can make—enhancing culture, agility, resiliency, and overall performance of individuals, teams, and the organization as a whole.
Yet despite the massive investment in employee well-being, most organizations don’t perceive their programs to be very effective.
Building on groundbreaking research by both i4cp and Rob Cross, the Employee Well-Being Exchange is a peer-driven community working group that explores the relational sources of well-being, how personal networks impact this, and the tools to support individual performance and well-being.
High-performance organizations are 7x more likely to report increased levels of innovation and creativity as a result of their employee well-being initiatives.
i4cp's Next Practices in Holistic Well-Being
What Will I Gain?
Collaborate with peers in an exclusive group
To achieve the highest level of customization and interaction, the Exchange is limited to i4cp and Connected Commons members.
Learn and benchmark
In addition to peer collaboration, gain access to cutting-edge ideas, tested practices, and strategies to develop better solutions..
Receive industry-tested tools and templates
Share and build tools and applications that support your well-being initiatives.
Get the proprietary research you need
Drive i4cp’s latest research to identify next practices in employee well-being.
Build your network
Develop long-lasting relationships with peers facing the same challenges you are.
Develop leading edge solutions
Through ongoing dialogue and learning, develop practical and cost-effective strategies for establishing a holistic well-being approach.