Leading the Way Podcast: Cara Mund, Miss America 2018

February 23, 2018
February 23, 2018
cara mund miss america hero.jpg

In this episode of Leading the Way, Cara Mund, the first Miss America to hail from North Dakota, shares with us her incredible perspectives of the world, life, and business. Learn about the generosity of the 97 -year-old Miss America Organization and what it’s like behind the scenes of the most rewarded competition for young women today.

A dynamic woman who is as passionate about being a difference-maker as she is about the millennial generation taking a more active and assertive role in creating positive change, Mund discusses what a day-in-the-life of Miss America is like, her hefty ambitions for the future, and the sensible advice she’d give to CEOs.  

Cara is certainly a leader on the rise as she talks about diversity, innovation, and women empowerment. “Poise, finesse and heart” is how Scott Murray describes her character and the advice of this young go-getter is something we can all benefit from.  Tune in and get to know Cara Mund—you’ll be seeing a lot of her in our future, guaranteed. 

Key Soundbites

  • On women empowerment – “Until we empower women, I don’t know if they’ll have the courage to do it.  We haven’t had a female President, Vice President or a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.  We need examples and organizations like Miss America is the perfect role model for young girls to look up to so that they can potentially become CEOs, Senators, and possibly the first female governor of their state.”
  • On competition – “As women, we can’t keep competing against one another, trying to beat each other out, but instead, empowering one another.  We’re more similar than we are different, and I think we really need to realize that.”
  • On diversity - “ When you have like-minded individuals sitting in a room together, the innovation isn’t there.  But when you have people from different backgrounds, different stories, different perspectives, that’s when we make a huge change.  It’s important to have diversity just for innovation, for entrepreneurship, to keep our nation moving forward.”
  • Advice to our youth – “ First, I would tell them to never give up. Persistence is so important.  Next would be to keep dreaming. Do not limit yourself. And third, always listen to the stories of others and be open-minded, because you learn so much from those around you.”
  • Advice to CEOs - “ It’s not all about you.  I think successful companies are those that listen to their employees.  They know what the concerns are.  They learn what the impact and potential of the company is by those that work there.”

About Leading the Way

Leading the Way is a weekly radio show and podcast series that highlights influential business leaders and leading people practices from i4cp. Co-hosted by Emmy award-winning television anchor and radio host, Scott Murray, and i4cp’s Angel Carlton, the show features interviews with respected business leaders from the world of business, sports, entertainment, healthcare and philanthropy.  

The show airs live every Sunday at 4 pm CT on KLIF 570 in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, the global audience is invited to listen live on www.klif.com   and the weekly podcast debuts on iTunes  or Google Play and the i4cp website the following week.