'Leading the Way' Podcast: Cinemark’s CEO Mark Zoradi & CHRO Angelia Pelham

October 19, 2017
October 19, 2017
cinermark ceo chro hero.jpg

Cinemark, the 3rd largest movie theater chain in the United States, has become an employer of choice and one of the most desirable places to work. CEO Mark Zoradi and Chief HR Officer Angelia Pelham are a big reason why. 

In this podcast, you’ll gain perspective on how “anticipating the customer’s wants before the customer even knows it themselves” is what prevents complacency and inspires innovation. Based on their expertise from working at the Walt Disney Company, among other roles, you’ll hear how by focusing on the employee experience, the ultimate guest experience will be paved as well.  

Key Soundbites  

  • On culture – “Our culture is one that focuses heavily on the guest experience. Our employees cannot deliver a guest experience unless we exceed their expectation as an employee.”
  • On talent development – “We’re teaching these young people life skills and we take that responsibility very seriously.”
  • On agility – “Organizations are experiencing disruptions.  Companies must be very smart, very alert, and can’t get comfortable with market positioning. Always look around that next corner to anticipate the guest’s needs and sometimes anticipate it before the guest actually wants it.”
  • On innovative thinking – “We encourage an intensity to be willing to take risks and think about that big idea we haven’t done before because we want our guests to walk in and feel like they’re walking into business or first class, as opposed to that tight coach squeeze.”
  • On the guest experience – “Mark is constantly pushing us to look at the guest experience, hear the voice of the guests, see what the guests want, and then make sure that we’re not only meeting those needs, but, we’re anticipating what might be the next thing around the corner that might be of interest to a guest to make our product even more innovative and compelling.”  

About Leading the Way  

Leading the Way is a weekly radio show and podcast series that highlights influential business leaders and leading people practices from i4cp. Co-hosted by Emmy award-winning television anchor and radio host, Scott Murray, and i4cp’s Angel Carlton, the show features interviews with respected business leaders from the world of business, sports, entertainment, healthcare and philanthropy.  

The show airs live every Sunday at 4 pm CT on KLIF 570 in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, and debuts on iTunes, Google Play, and the i4cp website the following week.