The Surprising Power of Collaborative Networks - EdCast’s Workforce Summit

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As collaborative tools gain prominence and organizations invest more in strengthening internal and often informal employee networks to innovate better and execute faster, L&D departments have a new opportunity to develop and leverage employees more effectively.  

By tapping into and enhancing existing collaborative networks, you can empower your workforce to not only create new learning content but share knowledge and advance practical know-how at a rate traditional L&D departments can’t match. But it’s important to have the right networks internally. According to i4cp research, high-performance organizations are 3.5x more likely to help new hires become aware of internal subject matter experts, and leaders in these companies are 8x more likely to actively help others build effective networks. 

In this session, you’ll hear: 

  • The essential components of collaborative networks and cultures
  • How high-performance organizations are implementing collaborative next practices to drive innovation and advance employee learning
  • Practical next steps to uncover hidden influencers within your organization who can be great conduits of knowledge

About EdCast’s 4 th Annual Future-Ready Workforce Summit

The Summit will feature visionary thinkers, industry leaders and EdCast clients exploring explore the lifelong learning arc (i.e. upskilling, reskilling, continuous learning). Together we will explore how to build a solution for the future that is cutting edge, easy to use, commercial and forward looking. It is co-located at DevLearn in Las Vegas, Oct. 23, 2018 and requires a separate registration .