Leading by Example: Realistic Strategies for Modeling Well-Being

Leadership Development Exchange Mar 18 Well being Strategies Hero 2

How can leaders avoid burnout while genuinely modeling work-life balance and well-being for their teams? In this session we’ll explore practical strategies for leaders to manage their own resilience while encouraging a healthier culture across their organizations. We’ll share realistic approaches to balance, boundaries, and self-care that leaders can adopt and model authentically, inspiring commitment to well-being at every level.

  • Preventing Burnout – Discover proven strategies leaders can use to manage their energy and workload, supporting sustainable performance.
  • Authentic Role-Modeling – Learn ways to demonstrate work-life balance and well-being that resonate with teams and create a supportive culture.
  • Building a Well-Being Toolkit – Explore practical tools and resources leaders can incorporate into their routines to prioritize health and resilience for themselves and their teams.
This meeting is exclusively for members of the Leadership Development Exchange. If you'd like to participate, please contact us to see if you qualify. If you are an i4cp member, please log in to access the registration/meeting details.
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