Phoenix - CHO Group: Driving Change Leadership, Leveraging HR's Role as Strategic Change Agent
Today’s business landscape is characterized by a constant state of fast-paced change related to advancing technology, economic flux, competitive pressures, and demographic shifts, to name a few. Studies show that one in four organizations experience major change initiatives every eight weeks, yet few business leaders rate their organizations as highly effective at managing change.
Helping leaders manage change and cultural transformation are among the top five challenges facing CHROs and represents one of the best opportunities for HR leaders to deliver enterprise value. While there is no shortage of literature about how to manage change, attending to change issues remains an elusive leadership practice. The success or failure to manage complex, unpredictable change demands is commonly cited as the biggest factor separating high and low performing organizations.
Whether your workplace is refocusing its strategic priorities, or building its leadership pipeline, the ability to navigate change is the ultimate competitive advantage. The future belongs to change-capable leaders and agile organizations. CHROs play a key role in building those capabilities. Join us on October 12th for this important session with change leadership expert, Holly Burkett.