Hot Topics in Workforce Planning

We dove into several areas, including some of i4cp’s latest research and discussion on several member hot topics.   

  1. How broad does your organization use SWP or is it targeted within the organization?
  2. What are organizations planning for in SWP?
    1. Today?
    2. Gaps for future?
    3. Or building capability (more broad development)?
      1. Being able to manage change, agile with teams
  3. How do you manage multiple consulting relationships that are all focused on SWP?
  4. How do you manage / integrate the various HR functions involved in SWP?
  5. How do you get the business to lean into SWP?


If you were unable to join the call, please take a few minutes and listen to the SWPE May 2019 Meeting Recording.

This meeting is exclusively for members of the Workforce Planning Exchange. If you'd like to participate, please contact us to see if you qualify. If you are an i4cp member, please log in to access the registration/meeting details.
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