Up Next Cohort - HR Strategy and Organizational Design

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Our May session on HR Strategy & Organizational Design will be led by Dave and Tim Knezevich. Our guest speaker for the Get Real Session is Clyde Walker who currently sits on the board of First Choice Health and the University of Washington School of Business.

Pre-Think:  Our session will be VERY interactive.  To help you better understand a few of the key concepts, we are going to have you get your hands dirty applying a framework to your company.  So, to allow you to come out of the gates best in that exercise, we would like you to identify and bring with you an issue your organization is wrestling with over the next 1-3 years.

Below are some optional reading materials on HR Strategy and Org Design curated by Dave Gartenberg:

i4cp’s Up Next Cohort develops CHRO readiness capability through core content, speakers, research, case studies, and network building. Designed by experienced CHROs and endorsed by i4cp’s Chief HR Officer Board, the Up Next Cohort is a six-month development opportunity for HR leaders who are just one step away from their next big leap.

Session Recordings: 

Part 1 (a) Passcode: R=MLr2*N

Part 1 (b) Passcode: R=MLr2*N

Get Real Session Passcode: R=MLr2*N

This meeting is exclusively for members of the Up Next Cohort Alumni. If you'd like to participate, please contact us to see if you qualify. If you are an i4cp member, please log in to access the registration/meeting details.
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