Wellness Before the Healthcare Revolution

May 8, 2009

Get 100 or so people in a room and ask them for their opinion on an issue. You're likely to get 100 different opinions. After all, we're human and all have our own ways of looking at things. But when it comes to the U.S. healthcare system, various studies indicate there's general agreement on one major point: The system needs fixing.

Part of what needs fixing is high costs. Even though the rate of health spending has slowed, it's still going up, and, especially with the economic downturn, companies continue to be worried about costs and ways to hold the line. In fact, healthcare costs are one of the most important workforce-related issues companies are facing today. Of 580 HR professionals surveyed by i4cp in 2008, virtually all - 95% - agreed that healthcare costs were an extremely important or important issue then and would continue to be in the future.

Read the full TrendWatcher article titled, Staying Well While Waiting for the Healthcare Revolution.