Employee Engagement Rates Stay the Same at 35%

January 27, 2014
January 27, 2014
35 percent engaged employees

Your employee engagement survey results are in... Another year. Another survey. Same results.

While i4cp found plenty of useful information in our latest research survey on employee engagement strategies--namely six talent practices that boost engagement and market performance--the percent of employees who consider themselves strongly engaged at their jobs refuses to budge.

Percent of highly engaged employees in companiesThe study, which was conducted in coordination with our Employee Engagement Exchange (member organizations include Hertz, Paramount Pictures and Toyota), found that only 35% of employees in high-performance organizations of 1,000+ employees are strongly engaged. In lower performing companies, that number drops to 23%.

Surprising? Not really. Whether it's i4cp, Gallup or some other research organization reporting employee engagement rates, the number has stubbornly hovered around a third of all employees. This is a stat that’s frequently referenced in newspapers, journals and other publications, and should serve as a reminder that keeping a large percentage of your workforce truly engaged is not at all easy.

But just because an engaged majority remains elusive doesn't mean companies aren't trying, or succeeding. As our study found, leaders of high-performance organizations acknowledge that engagement is not an end but a means to achieve a greater purpose--better productivity, customer service, retention and other key business objectives.

i4cp members: download our latest report, Six Talent Practices that Boost Engagement and Market Performance, and read more about how Microsoft and Black Hills Corporation are finding success with engagement initiatives.

Erik Samdahl

As vice president of marketing at i4cp, Erik is currently responsible for all marketing efforts for the company and works alongside several departments to execute organizational initiatives. He also oversees web development projects. Located in Seattle, WA, he brings over 15 years of Internet marketing experience, most of which are in the research industry.

Prior to i4cp, Erik worked as Internet Marketing Director at market research panel company GMI, where he was responsible for global online marketing and panel growth in several countries. He also managed the graphic design team and worked extensively with other departments on process improvements and plan development. GMI experienced exceptional revenue growth - several hundred percent - during his tenure. Prior to GMI, Erik founded FilmJabber.com, a movie review and information website that continues to grow in popularity and traffic.

Erik received a B.A. in Business Administration with a concentration in Management Information Systems from Western Washington University.