Highlights of i4cp’s 2018 Conference – Next Practices Now – Day 3

“The pinnacle of customer loyalty isn’t a net promotor score—it’s advocacy. Profoundly remarkable service creates advocacy where customers want to share their story about your service.”
Chip Bell, prolific customer service author and master speaker, opened day three of the conference with a highly entertaining mix of down-home humor, Jack Daniels stories, and six profoundly remarkable service principles from his latest book, Kaleidoscope. While raising the level of fun with his refreshing, let’s-not-take-ourselves-too-seriously approach, Bell’s message is particularly relevant to our renewed focus of enhancing employee experience as well as better serving external customers. The “enchant” principle could be applied to raising our game with more “value unique,” unexpected magical movements with employees. Kudos to Chip and the conference organizers for booking such an entertaining, energizing, and enchanting way to begin the third day!
“It’s about the insight, not the reporting. If someone is asking for a report, they may be asking for the wrong thing. Better to ask them what problem they are trying to solve and apply analytics to that.”
People analytics was front and center with a panel of “top of their game” practitioners moderated by Patti Phillips, CEO of the ROI Institute, and Chair of i4cp’s People Analytics Board. The panel consistent of Arun Chidambaram, Global Head, Talent Analytics, Pfizer; Charlotte Nagy, AVP, People Analytics, USAA; and Jason Pagan, Senior Director, Strategic Workforce Planning & Analytics, Ascension. A full range of issues, trends, and next practices were during the discussion. All provided examples of solid progress in their respective organizations, but all noted that it’s an emerging discipline needing continued learning and experimentation. One emerging question—should people analytics stay in HR or report to another function—sparked the most interesting dialogue, especially around how analytics will transform HR or if HR will be left behind.
“Alltransformations generate resistance and challenge. We are trying to achieve inside our walls what externally society hasn’t yet achieved”
The final two speakers of the conference provided insight on the current state and future of inclusion and diversity. With D&I a recurring theme all three days of the conference, it was apropos for Barbara Hickman Whye, Chief Diversity Officer at Intel, to share the Intel story of driving for full representation, being a pioneer for public reporting of progress, and best practice sharing. She provided the three keys that are making a difference at her organization: accountability, transparency, and a holistic approach to not only achieve Intel’s internal aspiration, but moreover increasing the pipeline of diverse talent for community and societal impact.
“I know I am being direct there but I’m answering the question—the data is telling me what is and is not making a difference.”
As the concluding speaker, Michael Bush, CEO of Great Places to Work, delivered a message that in many ways represented the major themes of i4cp’s Next Practices Now Conference.
Bush started with the numbers: His organization surveys over 10 million employees globally and their analytics engine is producing insights to drive change. The organization is claiming a bolder future by elevating the mission to create Great Places to Work FOR ALL. Bush embodied the courageous and accountable leadership central to realize the vision. As the HR profession moves on to what’s next, arming with insights from data, claiming a bolder vision now and striving forward with courage will be the hallmarks of the highest-performing, higher-purposed human capital leaders.
Next year, the i4cp 2019 Conference will take place March 11 - 14 in Scottsdale, Arizona. Registration is already open, so secure your seat today.