Enterprise Membership at i4cp

World-class research, resources, benchmarks, and communitiesfor your entire team.

Many of the world's leading organizations use i4cp enterprise membership to develop their HR teams, guide their HR strategy, and create organizational cultures and workforces built for the future.
Become A Member
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The membership for high-performance HR teams
As an enterprise member of i4cp, your organization will join a powerful community of human capital practitioners to discover and put into action next practices—approaches that are highly correlated to market performance but that few organizations are using.
Next Practices
Leap ahead of the pack by implementing proven but emerging, cutting-edge approaches, and benchmark your progress.
Community led
To avoid groupthink, we look to our vendor-free community of practitioners to not only guide our research but expand the value, scope, and depth of insights shared.
Unlimited seats
Enterprise membership access means everyone on your HR team—and across the organization—has direct access to i4cp resources.
High performance
With precision focus on high-performance organizations, we help you understand the people practices that separate the best from the rest.
Jennifer Weber CHRO of ADM
“When I looked at the thought leadership from i4cp, it felt so relevant to a lot of the challenges that we face as an HR team. I wanted to have the benefit of that on an enterprise scale so that in addition to me, my team can benefit from and leverage the thought leadership and the insights.”
Jennifer Weber
Chief People Officer, ADM
Research-based performance enablement for HR
i4cp membership empowers you with a trusted and unbiased external perspective that you and your team can use to make better decisions. Key membership benefits include: