August 5, 2014 Virtual Meeting
- We have another great meeting planned for August 5 on the topic, Building Business Partner Capability sponsored by the Strategic Workforce Planning Exchange. I am excited to announce that Dave Fineman, VP of Human Resource Reporting and Analytics, State Street, will be spearheading the conversation with the work he is doing to integrate strategy, business planning, analytics, process redesign and technology - to drive business results. Our kind of guy!
Dave will share some of the ways he has used his own combination of management consulting and analytical skills to build capability and create value for the business. We expect thought leader guests from other member companies who will share their stories of best and next practices in building business partner capability.
Jay and I are delivering a workshop on the topic of Building Business Partner capability for Kelly Services in late August so we are eager to collect a lot of success stories from you and your business partners. A few questions we will be discussing at the meeting:
· What is the most important thing you have done to build business partner capability?
· What types of business problems and opportunities are you addressing - short-term and long term?
· How do you build expertise in understanding the business strategy?
· What frameworks, methodologies and tools are most useful?
· How have you balanced the issue of developing from the inside vs. hiring outside talent?
· Can you share a success story or two?
I'd love a few volunteers who can share success stories and powerful strategies and tactics. An agenda is attached. I look forward to "seeing" you next week. Wish my computer was web-exing from the beach, but, alas, I am still up here in suburban Connecticut.
Also sharing a great story on Tips to Bring Your Employee Churn to a Halt from one of our recent exchange speakers, Greta Roberts, in Fast Company. Enjoy!
Amy Armitage, Director Member Research Programs