Exchange Fall Forum 2018: Reinvention Through Disruption

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We were excited to welcome i4cp Exchange members to Sunnyvale, CA to take a deeper dive on differentiated talent practices that are enabling Reinvention Through Disruption.

At this two-day event, we engaged with our peers in several Innovation Sessions that dissected real initiatives that our attendees are implementing and collaborated to identify better approaches and solutions. It was a great opportunity for senior leaders and practitioners to expand their personal / professional network and benchmark / elevate their talent practices. Our host Microsoft spurred the sharing by detailing how it takes a strategic build/borrow/buy approach to talent to adapt to market disruption.

The forum focused on business and work backwards to help attendees develop better, perhaps even disruptive talent solutions. Key questions explored included:

  • How is your organization identifying which talents will be needed to differentiate against your competition?
    • What Strategic Workforce Planning practices are most effective at ensuring your talent pipeline?
      • Providing analysis to support build, borrow, buy, rent decisions?
  • What impact is engagement having attrition and retention analysis?

  • What actions are being taken to understand the talent strengths and gaps within your organization?
    • What Workforce Analytics are currently being used to measure talent and its impact?
      • Is your current talent review and planning process providing the right and timely insights?
  • How are organizations leveraging performance management to foster alignment and speed to execution?

  • What actions are being taken to equip leaders to manage the challenges of external or internal disruption?
    • To what extent does your organization build career architectures to improve quality of movement and productivity within the organization?
      • How are other organizations looking at roles, levels, etc. to drive leader development?
  • What actions are being taken to personalize development of targeted individuals and/or groups to raise the talent bar?
This meeting is exclusively for members of the Leadership Development Exchange, Performance Management Exchange, Workforce Analytics Exchange, Workforce Planning Exchange. If you'd like to participate, please contact us to see if you qualify. If you are an i4cp member, please log in to access the registration/meeting details.
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