Leadership Effectiveness

For those of you that joined us for the ELDE Forum last week at AT&T University – Thank you again for your participation!   I hope you found the learning facility, presentations and discussions to be as enjoyable and valuable as I did.   For those of you that were not able to join us -- we missed you! However, we look forward to talking with you in one of our other sessions later this year.

Andy McDonald’s opening presentation about the importance and innovations of Continuous Learning & Development projects at AT&T was very interesting. AT&T has clearly linked the importance of learning to their future business plan for all levels and roles in the organization.   The tour of their Interactive Virtual Learning (IVL) Lab was excellent and it’s multiple valuable applications in supporting AT&T’s future L&D needs reinforced that the applications and solutions are unlimited for front line learning, leadership development, and advancing rapid interaction and solutions. Once again I personally, and i4cp collectively, thank Andy & AT&T University for being a fabulous host and sharing their story and resources with our working group!

Rob Cross’ presentation about the impact of Formal & Informal Networks, and also the growing awareness of the impact of Over-Collaboration and its effect on leaders engaged all of the members in the session. It was very interesting to hear Rob’s research and stories of his work with several companies and discuss with others in the session how they are dealing with these issues. Make sure you review Rob’s work below and the two additional resources he provided.

Jay Jamrog’s presentation on Talent Mapping & Talent Risk Analysis addressed one of the ELDE’s common interests and top priorities. The war on talent is growing and Jay’s research, tools, and additional resources will be very helpful to our members strategic talent planning.  

Kevin Martin’s presentation of i4cp’s latest report on Talent Mobility and the insights that truly differentiate this Next Practice from the old “ship ‘em and dip ‘em” practices from years ago. Kevin shared how High-Performing organizations are harnessing the importance of experiential learning assignments and the importance of planning & rigor in making these experiences valuable to the employee, the teams and groups the work with, and the organization.

As always I found the member conversations to be very engaging and informative. Several ideas and requests for additional information are being considered for potential FlashCalls later this summer and fall.   In addition to each of the presentations I have also included below hyperlinks to some resources we discussed during the Forum related to Talent Mapping, Talent Risk Management, and Succession Management.

Please let me know if you have any questions, follow-up requests, or additional thoughts and suggestions. We’ve had a productive first half of the year and I’m looking forward to working with all of you in the coming months.


AT&T Overview and Welcome

Why the movement of talent matters and what you should do

Collaborative Practices of Successful Leaders Presentation

Collaborative Practices of Successful Leaders - Workbook

Personal Networks of Successful Leaders - Workbook

Talent Segmentation and Succession Management: Governance

Talent Segmentation and Succession Management: Top Talent

Talent Segmentation and Succession Management: Gap Analysis

Talent Segmentation and Succession Management: Identifying Mission Critical Positions

Talent Segmentation and Succession Management: Risk Analysis


This meeting is exclusively for i4cp member organizations. If you'd like to participate, please contact us to see if your company qualifies for membership. If you are an i4cp member, please log in to access the registration/meeting details. log in