August Hot Topics FoW Aug 22 Meeting hero 2

Future of Work Board Meeting - Strategies for Streamlined Insights in a Dynamic Workplace

At our August meeting, the Board will discuss how to reduce noise and increase insights for Agile HR teams to keep pace with the evolving future of work. We'll also have a research update featuring the latest findings from i4cp. 

Meeting Highlights:

  • Expert Presentations: Gain valuable insights from thought leaders, including i4cp SVP of Research Rob Cross, on the latest trends in precise collaboration and autonomous teaming for agility.
  • Interactive Development: Collaborate with fellow members to transform foresight into actionable insights and activities. These efforts will be geared towards member experimentation and preparing for our October meeting.
  • Focus on Agility: Learn and share strategies to enhance the agility of HR teams in an ever-evolving workplace.

This meeting promises to be a dynamic and informative session, offering practical takeaways to strengthen your HR team's agility and effectiveness. 

The i4cp Boards are reserved exclusively for the most senior HR executives in organizations. Each Board is designed to serve as a true Board of Directors for the function and ensure its members are in the driver seat of organizational innovation. 

This meeting is exclusively for members of the Future of Work Board. If you'd like to participate, please contact us to see if you qualify. If you are an i4cp member, please log in to access the registration/meeting details.
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