How Accenture Uses Virtual Reality to Onboard Employees - Talent & Learning Next Practices

March 24, 2022
March 24, 2022

The Talent & Learning Next Practices Monthly series provides a forum for the Talent and L&D leadership community to come together to discover and advance next practices. Each month, you’ll hear from executives in Talent and/or Learning from some of the largest and most respected organizations in the world, learn about the latest i4cp research, and share and receive ideas from your peers.

This month featured special guests from Accenture, the organization that was recently awarded i4cp's Member of the Year award. Allison Horn, Executive Director, Global Head of Talent and John Goodyer, Global Talent Capability Lead, joined i4cp's CEO and Co-Founder Kevin Oakes and Sr. Research Analyst Tom Stone in a discussion of their work using virtual reality and the metaverse for onboarding and training at Accenture.

After providing some context and details on their initiative, Allison, John, and Tom entered the Accenture AltSpaceVR 3D space to demo how it looks and feels. This experience was captured on the call recording, so please view the recording to see what the space looks like. The attached slides also provide ample details about Accenture's approach to leveraging this latest technology, the benefits of VR for onboarding and training, and much more.