Workforce Planning Exchange - December Virtual Meeting

12 07 2022 WPE Hero

The Workforce Planning Exchange is a research-driven working group that explores how high-performance organizations outdistance others in strategic workforce planning effectiveness, where members collaborate with each other to develop and share tools and practices that will aid in building their organization’s workforce planning capability.

At the December meeting, we discussed the biggest successes of 2022 and what exchange members' biggest challenges are now and as we enter 2023. Tom Stone, a Senior Research Analyst at i4cp, began by briefly sharing highlights from the research and tools provided by i4cp throughout 2022. Highlights include exploring the Creating a Skills Database Guidebook and the Talent Mobility and Internal Talent Marketplaces Guidebook. Check out our previous meetings for the notes.

Then we opened the discussion up to all WPE members to share on the following:

  • What was a major workforce planning success you had in 2022?
  • How was it achieved? What relationships, data, technical capability, and other aspects were critical to that success?
  • What lessons were learned along the way?

Members of our community launched initiatives around:

  • Skills architecture and implementing Workday Hub/Skills Cloud.
  • Navigating career paths through a Talent Hub.
  • Launching a gig marketplace.
  • Institutionalizing inclusive hiring practices.
  • Change management for position management.
  • Introducing an internal data bootcamp.
  • Conducting an initial organizational network analysis.

We pivoted to challenges of 2023, by considering the following questions:

  • What are your organization's greatest workforce planning challenges as we enter the new year?
  • How are you planning to address those challenges? What relationships, data, technical capability, etc. will be most important to overcoming them?
  • How are you preparing, as best you can, for the unknown?

Members of our community are focused on priorities like:

  • Re-education for position management.
  • Ensuring our organization has the skills needed for success (like analytics and coding/engineering) by outsourcing and running a rotational program.
  • Process improvement for recruiting.
  • Reviewing our enterprise leadership and HR functional competency model.

As members heard about experiences they wanted to explore deeper together, we had several connections for follow up conversation. Plan to join our Exchanges in 2023 as we set the stage for more strategic connections among members. 2023 registrations links will be sent soon.

This meeting is exclusively for members of the Workforce Planning Exchange. If you'd like to participate, please contact us to see if you qualify. If you are an i4cp member, please log in to access the registration/meeting details.
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