Video: LinkedIn's Pat Wadors on Making HR Sexy

May 4, 2016

The Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp) was pleased to have Pat Wadors, senior vice president and CHRO of LinkedIn present at this year’s annual conference held in Scottsdale, AZ (and she'll be back again for our 2017 event, so sign up today).

Wadors, who joined LinkedIn in January 2013 to lead its world-class talent human resources team, is responsible for helping make sure the company can scale, employees stay engaged, and bringing on the right people, among many other things.

Wadors walked conference attendees through how LinkedIn is transforming and the challenges the organization faces, providing insight into some of the projects she’s led and the results of those undertakings. If you missed the conference, or want to watch the presentation again, it is available in its entirety in the video below.

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