Dashboards, Scorecards, and Reports

A special thank you to Amy Beavers of BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee for sharing some of her workforce reports and dashboards. If there is a workforce planning reporting tool that you would like to share with the other members, please let me know. 

Please see the helpful links section below for some great resources on developing your reporting tools. Based on the conversation in our analytics investment exercise, Patti Phillips has also contributed some helpful links on performance consulting. 

Make sure to join us on December 6 th at 11:30 AM EST (8:30 AM PST) for the finale of the People Analytics Series. 

Thank you, 

Michael, Patti, and the i4cp Exchange Team


Helpful links: 

Reporting Tools

Performance Consulting

November Meeting Materials

Please let me know if you have any questions or additional feedback. 

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Michael Sprague

Director, Member-Research Exchanges

Cell: +1-760-914-0763 | michael.sprague@i4cp.com

This meeting is exclusively for i4cp member organizations. If you'd like to participate, please contact us to see if your company qualifies for membership. If you are an i4cp member, please log in to access the registration/meeting details. log in